The Boogeyman is our approach to a civilian-style belt. The Boogeyman is comprised of a comfortable, padded Hook and Loop lined inner belt and a synthetic leather outer belt that a casual-use belt buckle. The design allows the wearer to maximize the real estate on his outer belt, while the inner belt holds your pants up and retains the outer belt with Hook and Loop attachment.
2 Week Production Time
Package includes: Boogey Man Belt
Size: Please take your time when choosing your belt size. The easiest way to find your propper belt size is with your pants on, measuring through the loops where you normally wear your belt. Never pick your belt size based on your pants size.
Outer belt: 1 1/2" wide
Inner belt: 1 1/2" wide
SMALL: 28-32"
MEDIUM: 32-35.5"
LARGE: 34.5-38"
EXTRA LARGE: 37.5-42"